Wednesday, May 30, 2007

You may find the following fascinating and difficult to believe, but like everything else posted on this blog, it is 100% entirely true.

It began on June 17th, 2004 in Alphala, Georgia when the now legendary beast, Hogzilla was gunned down by a mortal man named Chris Griffin. Like Beowulf before him, his story is being turned into a major motion picture.

Hogzilla and the man who slain him.
The mighty Hogzilla was more 8 feet in length and weighed more than 800lbs. The razor sharp tusks he used to eat children and destroy mobile homes were 16 inches long.

Hogzilla was proof that the PBR sold in rural Georgia did not contain hallucinogens, and these people were in fact NOT CRAZY.

Not long after Hogzilla's demise, a new terror rose. This time in rural Florida. I am of course referring to the beast that was...Hog Kong.

Hog Kong: 1,140 lbs

Then...just when you thought it was safe to go back in the woods of the rural south: I give you the Coursey Hog. On January 5th, 2007 - William "Bill" Coursey shot and killed the 1,100 lb hog that bears his name.
Mighty "Bill" Coursey and his big hog.

What, you ask, could be bigger than Hogzilla, more fearsome than Hog Kong and more terrifying than the Coursey Hog? Behold... Monster Pig aka Pigzilla.

Just last week, young Jamison Stone, armed only with his custom made Smith &Wesson M500 somehow brought down the creature now known as Monster Pig.
Monster Pig: 9 ft. 4in - 1,054lbs

Surely Monster Pig is the largest beast to ever roam the earth you say. To that I say feast your eyes upon 1,980lbs of Ton Pig.

The beloved Ton Pig
(He died from obesity in 2004)

UPDATE: The true origin of Monster Pig has been revealed!
Monster Pig was actually a pig named Fred, not a feral hog as originally thought.


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